mercredi 7 août 2013

You've come a long way . . .

La League of American Bicyclists (fondée en 1880), se fait un devoir de promouvoir le vélo (non sportif) auprès des femmes mais surtout d'écouter leurs préoccupations et en faire le lobbying auprès des autorités.

Voici leur dernier rapport sur l'état, et les besoins, du vélo ''féminin''.

According to the report:
82% of American women have a positive view of bicyclists
  • From 2003 to 2012, the number of women and girls who bicycle rose 20%, compared to a .5% decline among men
  • Women are the new majority: 60% of bicycle owners aged 17-28 years old are women.
  • Women accounted for 37% of the bicycle market in 2011, spending $2.3 billion.
  • 45% of local and state bicycle advocacy organization staff are female.
  • 89% of bike shop owners are male, but 33% of shops are run by a husband/wife team.
  • Women are still underrepresented in leadership positions, including the boards of national industry and advocacy organizations -- and their membership.

Encore une fois, une preuve que l'avenir du vélo passe par les femmes, le vélo qui fut un outil de leur émancipation.

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